Check out the NEW 2019
Lower Trail Video!

Hollidaysburg Extension
Rails to trails of Central Pa is actively
working on the Hollidaysburg connector to
join Hollidaysburg with the Lower trail.
Click here
for more information.
Thanks to Our Volunteers!
Rails to Trails
of Central Pennsylvania is an all-volunteer
organization. The Board of Directors thanks
all those who work so tirelessly to maintain
the Lower Trail; mowing grass, clearing tree
falls, repairing damage, supervising
community service projects, and making
facility improvements as well as those who
work behind the scenes to support the trail.
You should take justifiable pride in your
efforts that make the Lower Trail one of the
most appreciated rail trails in the state by
those who use it. |

Lost and Found
A set of Toyota keys were found on the
Lower Trail on September 28th about a mile
from Mt. Etna toward Williamsburg. They were
turned in at Martins General Store in
Williamsburg and can be recovered there.
A pair of prescription eyeglasses were
left at Mt. Etna on a picnic table. Please
contact Rails to Trails of Central Pa. if
they're yours.
News Coverage
